Telehealth or Telehealth is the use of communications technologies to provide health care from a distance. These technologies may include computers, cameras, videoconferencing, the Internet, and satellite and wireless communications. We have world class medical device with 33 parameter testing for PHC and remote monitoring

Telehealth is the use of digital information and communication technologies, such as computers and mobile devices, to access health care services remotely and manage your health care. These may be technologies you use from home or that your doctor uses to improve or support health care services

Telehealth is the exchange of medical information from one site to another through electronic communications. This is done for the purpose of improving a person's health.

Telehealth has been around for over years. It is a rapidly growing field. It can be very difficult to get an appointment with primary care doctors and specialists. The waiting list can be long and even getting a referral doesn't guarantee a quick appointment. Telehealth can help bring you and the doctor together more efficiently.


Telehealth has been around for over years. It is a rapidly growing field. It can be very difficult to get an The medical world is constantly changing. Technology now plays a big role in the medical domain. As doctors regularly look for better ways to treat people, technology has brought numerous great advances to the medical field. Thanks to technological advancements such as Telehealth, you can obtain access to medical services or information that might normally be unavailable. Some examples of telehealth include:

  • A "virtual visit" with a health care provider, through a phone call or video chat.
  • Remote patient monitoring, which lets your provider check on you while you are at home. For example, you might wear a device that measures your heart rate and sends that information to your provider.
  • A surgeon using robotic technology to do surgery from a different location.
  • Sensors that can alert caregivers if a person with dementia leaves the house.
  • Sending your provider a message through your electronic health record (EHR)
  • Getting an email, phone, or text reminder that it's time for a cancer screening.
  • Watching an online video that your provider sent you about how to use an inhaler.

Consider, for example, the ways telehealth could help you if you have diabetes. You could do some or all of the following:

  • Use a mobile phone or other device to upload food logs, medications, dosing and blood sugar levels for review by a nurse who responds electronically.
  • Watch a video on carbohydrate counting and download an app for it to your phone.
  • Use an online patient portal to see your test results, schedule appointments, request prescription refills or email your doctor.
  • Use an app to estimate, based on your diet and exercise level, how much insulin you need.
  • Sending your provider a message through your electronic health record (EHR).
  • Get a mobile retinal photo screening at your doctor's office rather than scheduling an appointment with a specialist.
  • Get email, text or phone reminders when you need a flu shot, foot exam or other preventive care.
  • Use an app to estimate, based on your diet and exercise level, how much insulin you need.

The following examples of telehealth services may be beneficial for your health care.

Telehealth Options

Depending on your healthcare provider's setup, they can use Telehealth for your consultation. Your doctor can forward diagnostic images such as X-rays and your medical history to the Telehealth doctor for them to review. The Telehealth doctor may have enough information to make a diagnosis and even create the appropriate treatment plan. If not, they can contact you or your doctor for more information. Together you all can decide on the best treatment plan.

Some healthcare professionals have remote patient monitoring systems set up. These remote systems are constantly collecting and sending data to other healthcare agencies for interpretation. This is an important step in Telehealth because even if you are homebound, you can easily get your latest health information over to your doctor. A nurse can come, set up all the equipment in your home, conduct the needed tests, and transmit the data to the doctor before the close of business.

Telehealth is great for doctors and people seeking medical treatment when it comes to treatment and diagnosis. It can also be a great support system. You can use it to get consumer medical and health information from the Internet. For example, if you or a loved one is fighting cancer, you can link up and get specialized information and get involved in online peer discussion groups.

Online peer discussion groups not only provide helpful information, but also, more importantly, support. Meeting other people going through the same thing as you can help you feel less alone. It can be encouraging and offer peace of mind.

Even doctors have to brush up on their skills from time to time, and Telehealth is right there to help. Doctors and other medical professionals can listen to lectures and get demonstrations of the latest technology without leaving their office.

This type of Telehealth technology is even more important for healthcare officials volunteering in distant places or currently serving in the military. Medical facilities are not always nearby. Receiving treatment or information can be almost impossible. Telehealth can help save a life.